Data Combination

In this section, we will cover the key function in MicrobiomeStat for combining multiple microbiome datasets into one object for integrated analysis.

Data Combination

Combining multiple microbiome datasets is a crucial step in many research projects. The mStat_combine_data() function in MicrobiomeStat provides a straightforward way to merge two datasets into one object for integrated analysis.


mStat_combine_data() is designed specifically for combining two MicrobiomeStat data objects that are in the raw format.

Each data object should contain:

  • OTU/ASV table

  • meta.dat: Sample metadata

  • feature.ann: Taxonomic annotations

The function will:

  • Row-bind the two matrices

  • Row-bind the two feature.ann matrices

  • Row-bind the two meta.dat data frames

The output is a single merged data object ready for integrated analysis.


  data.obj1 = obj1, 
  data.obj2 = obj2
  • data.obj1: The first data object to combine

  • data.obj2: The second data object to combine


Here is how mStat_combine_data() works under the hood:

First it checks that both input objects are in the raw MicrobiomeStat format.

It then identifies common features and samples between the two objects.

  • For common features, it checks that the data values are consistent between the two objects.

  • If no common features or samples are found, it will print a warning message.

Next, it performs:

  • A full join of the two matrices by feature IDs

  • Replaces any NA values with 0

  • Gathers into a long format

  • Spreads back to wide format

  • Sets feature IDs as row names

This yields the combined matrix.

It performs similar operations to combine feature.ann and meta.dat.

Finally, it returns the merged data object containing all three components.


Key applications of this function include:

  • Merge case and control groups for differential abundance analysis

  • Combine multiple cohorts for meta-analysis

  • Compile temporal datasets for longitudinal analysis

  • Create one large dataset from multiple studies of a population

Proper dataset integration is crucial for maximizing the potential of your microbiome research. mStat_combine_data() lets you seamlessly merge compatible data objects, enabling more powerful integrated analysis.

Last updated