Importing Data from QIIME2 into MicrobiomeStat

This guide provides a step-by-step method for importing QIIME2 data into the MicrobiomeStat data object.

This guide details the process to import QIIME2 data into MicrobiomeStat's required data object.

The provided files represent essential QIIME2 artifacts and metadata required for microbiome data analysis:

# Define paths to your QIIME2 files
# NOTE: Update these paths to point to the location of the files on your computer.
otuqza_file <- "path_to_your_directory/table.qza"
taxaqza_file <- "path_to_your_directory/taxonomy.qza"
sample_file <- "path_to_your_directory/sample-metadata.tsv"
treeqza_file <- "path_to_your_directory/tree.qza"

# Import QIIME2 data into a MicrobiomeStat data object
data.obj <- mStat_import_qiime2_as_data_obj(
    otu_qza = otuqza_file, 
    taxa_qza = taxaqza_file,
    sam_tab = sample_file, 
    tree_qza = treeqza_file

The function mStat_import_qiime2_as_data_obj efficiently transforms QIIME2 datasets into the data format required by MicrobiomeStat. Here's a breakdown of the input parameters:

  • otu_qza: This file represents your feature table, containing the abundance data of microbial features across samples.

  • taxa_qza (Optional): This is the taxonomy assignment table which provides taxonomic classifications for the microbial features.

  • sam_tab (Optional): The sample metadata table offers details about the samples.

  • tree_qza (Optional): A phylogenetic tree depicting the evolutionary relationships of the microbial features.

Ensure that you have the correct file paths and all required dependencies installed before initiating the conversion process.

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